Rule 51: Why struggle to try to find yourself, when you can create yourself instead?

Since we just established that “losing” the beaten track might be a blessing in disguise, let’s take this one step further:
Why struggle to find the way back when we can decide the way forward instead?
As tempting as it might be to just try and retrace our way back to where we came from, to the known main path we left behind somewhere, won’t it be more exciting to find out where we would end up on our own, following our own guiding star into a new adventure?
One thing is certain:
- Our energy is a limited, most precious resource.
And we face a choice:
- We can embark in a most litkely endless search to find out who we are, if there is even a definite answer on that, and where we are meant to go.
- Or, we can take things in our own hands and decide who we wanna be, and where we wish to go next.
You can be remembered in your never-ending quest as a romantic. Or, possibly not be remembered at all, and choose your own happiness as a pragmatic.
On the one way,
- You shall join the noble quest of countless tragic heros, who stubbornly kept on searching and searching, all the while hoping for a sort of “enlightenment” to guide them out of their (mostly self-inflicted) darkness.
On the other way,
- You might not stand out as a “romantic hero”, but as you chose pragmatism over romanticism, you might actually stand up on our own terms.
It is the question you start with that makes all the difference between a tragic, even though noble quest. Or a more pragmatic, but happy self-endeavor.
Do you ask yourself who you are meant to be - Or rather who you want to be?

Shall it be:
- Who you are meant to be? Like there is a predestined force, a transcendental fate, determining the course of your life?
- Or, who you want to be? Deciding that waiting for an answer is not the most effective use of your time, when you could be whoever you wish to be, if you just put your heart and your mind to it.
Don't spend all of your time trying to _find_ yourself.
Sonya Parker
Spend your time _create_ yourself
into a person that you'll be proud of
So, ask yourself this:
- Who do you (not your parents, your partner, no one else… just: you!) wish to be?
- What is the kind of person you look up to - and wish to have at your side when everything else seems to fall apart?
- See? Then you know it! Now go ahead and be that person, step by step.
Back to:
Rule 1: Rise To Become The Person You Wish to Have At Your Side, and
Well, while you are at it, also remember:
To be proud is good - But happy is better.
So let’s slightly rephrase the goal, and let's aim to grow into a person that we will be happy to be. Not the “ostentatious” kind of happiness. Rather a more subtle, deeper level of happiness.
Something we do not need to show, but to feel.
Forget tragic “passions”.
Just follow the playful sparks of your own curiosity.
Steer clear from the looming icebergs (we all have our own shadowy presences to keep well at distance!) along the way.
And pull towards you whatever (and whoever!) can steal your smile.
I will leave you with a little tale to reckon with:
Darkness knocked at the door.
Light went to open it. And she could see nobody there.