Play the Rules

Play the Rules

This is your life's biggest game. Shape your reality. Be a Game Changer

Category: Playing Rules

Rule 65: Start where you are. No need to postpone.

Players only - Rule 65: Start where you are. No need to postpone.

Do it now!Where there is a will, there is always a way.Where there is no will, there are only excuses. Start where you are. Use what you have. W...

Rule 64: Begin with yourself. Your mind is the key. Your heart an infinite place.

Players only - Rule 64: Begin with yourself. Your mind is the key. Your heart an infinite place.

Rebooting back to happiness! Did you know that our “normal” unhindered state is purely and simply: Happiness?  Please forgive me if I am...

Rule 63: Learn to master the “floppy side” of everything.

Players only - Rule 63: Learn to master the “floppy side” of everything.

The overpowering (and exceedingly annoying!) urge to be always on “top of the game” So why are we wasting so much precious time and effort obses...

Rule 62: Stop obsessing over other people’s expectations - Which we are either overestimating, or very bad at guessing at anyway!

Rule 62: Stop obsessing over other people’s expectations - Which we are either overestimating, or very bad at guessing at anyway!

Others either don’t notice, don’t care, or it does not matter When it comes to other people's expectations (real or imagined), and how they comp...

Rule 61: Anything can be as “easy” or “difficult” as you make it - And the biggest irony of it all is: In the end, it will hardly make a difference.

Players only - Rule 61: Anything can be as “easy” or “difficult” as you make it - And the biggest irony of it all is: In the end, it will hardly make a difference.

The Elasticity of Time One of my favorite persons in the world - and (by far) the best manager I was ever lucky to have, (in fact, the one and o...

Rule 60: Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible - The Dalai Lama.

Players only - Rule 60: Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible - The Dalai Lama.

The power of kindness Being “kind” might seem counterintuitive in a chapter dedicated to successfully facing “challenges”. After all, in our ind...

Rule 59: Turn fear into excitement. Embrace your own adventure. Because it is not just the mountain you conquer - But yourself.

Players only - Rule 59: Turn fear into excitement. Embrace your own adventure. Because it is not just the mountain you conquer - But yourself.

There is a flipped side to everything.Take your stance, and you can turn your world upside down. There is an alluring way to words, but truth be...

Rule 58: Ask, and you shall be given

Players only - Rule 58: Ask, and you shall be given

Passive entitlement vs. engaging action. Do something, speak up! Well, I see as this might be confused with irritating arrogance, or worst self-...

Rule 57: Empty your “spam”. Free your energy flow. Be defined by what lifts you up, not what drags you down

Players only - Rule 57: Empty your “spam”. Free your energy flow. Be defined by what lifts you up, not what drags you down

Some “necessary evils” are not that necessary after all. How to make yourself scarce around negative people. Now that we have set the record str...

Rule 56: You don’t need to play the “victim”. A negative experience can be a wake-up call. Take that up

Players only - Rule 56: You don’t need to play the “victim”. A negative experience can be a wake-up call. Take that up

It is not raining on you. It is just raining I heard that years ago and its truthful irony impressed me. It is tempting to fall in the cliché of...

Rule 55: Stop pretending. And start dealing with it. Even if it means you need to dig some dirt from time to time

Players only - Rule 55: Stop pretending. And start dealing with it. Even if it means you need to dig some dirt from time to time

Happy go lucky. Right? I only need to tip the words “negative thinking” to immediately ascertain how demonized that is. Broadly and beyond doubt...

Rule 54: See it through. “No” does not need to be the final answer. Trust the World, not words

Players only - Rule 54: See it through. “No” does not need to be the final answer. Trust the World, not words

How my dream that “one day I shall take a sabbatical” finally became “the day I took a (sort of) sabbatical” (Part II) The big announcement. Or ...

Rule 53: Stop calling it a Dream. And start calling it a Plan

Players only - Rule 53: Stop calling it a Dream. And start calling it a Plan

How my dream that “one day I shall take a sabbatical” finally became “the day I took a (sort of) sabbatical” (Part I) Make time your daydreams i...

Rule 52: Start with the end in mind – Or just start and embrace your open-end

Players only - Rule 52: Start with the end in mind – Or just start and embrace your open-end

When your dream comes knocking at your door - and you are still in your pajamas Right now, the question - who do I wish to be - is particularly ...

Rule 51: Why struggle to try to find yourself, when you can create yourself instead?

Players only - Rule 51: Why struggle to try to find yourself, when you can create yourself instead?

Since we just established that “losing” the beaten track might be a blessing in disguise, let’s take this one step further:  Why struggle t...

Rule 50: Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

Players only - Rule 50: Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

Are you a follower, or a leader? It is tempting to tag along the beaten path. A paved road is easier to follow. Indeed, it is made for it, armed...

Rule 45: Meditate. Allow yourself to disconnect from the world to reconnect with yourself

Players only - Rule 45: Meditate. Allow yourself to disconnect from the world to reconnect with yourself

Ego says: once everything falls into place, I will find peace.Spirit says: find peace, and everything falls into place. A while ago one of my yo...

Rule 43: Start with Yourself. Peace comes from within.

Players only - Rule 43: Start with Yourself. Peace comes from within.

Pleasing everybody is impossible. What pleases you? Do you also sometimes feel like you are living somebody else's life?  On the surface...

Rule 42: It is not happy people who are grateful. It is grateful people who are happy.

Players only - Rule 42: It is not happy people who are grateful. It is grateful people who are happy.

Turn your happiness inside out. Carrying on in the same spirit of “disruptive innovation”, as in the business of creating new values that displa...

Rule 41: Uncovering the three “C” of Happiness 1) Contradictions 2) Chaos. And 3) Compromise

Players only - Rule 41: Uncovering the three “C” of Happiness 1) Contradictions 2) Chaos. And 3) Compromise

The previous Rule was about what happiness is. Now let’s tackle what happiness is not. And let’s start by shamelessly exposing the naked truth abou...

Rule 36: You do not need to look far: discover the beauty just in front of you

Rule 36: You do not need to look far: discover the beauty just in front of you

Buckle up! Here I am at home. Like most of the folks these days. My adventure plot is “on freeze” for the moment. And it might be a while until ...

Rule 35: Do not count the days. Make the days count!

Rule 35: Do not count the days. Make the days count!

Escape plan on “hold”… I have been waiting forever to finalize my “escape plan”… But there seemed to be always something coming in between, call...

Rule 34: Happiness is overrated! Life does not have to be “pink” – A rainbow is beautiful because of all its colors (Part 2/2)

Rule 34: Happiness is overrated! Life does not have to be “pink” – A rainbow is beautiful because of all its colors (Part 2/2)

(Follow-up from Part 1/2) Inside Out: Cheering our whole inner emotional team! 4. Disgust Ok, that we could do without…Or could we? The...

Rule 34: Happiness is overrated! Life does not have to be “pink” - A rainbow is beautiful because of all its colors (Part 1/2)

Rule 34: Happiness is overrated! Life does not have to be “pink” - A rainbow is beautiful because of all its colors (Part 1/2)

(Follow-up in Part 2/2) A tale of two sisters... Like the sun and the moon My sister and I could not have been more different… Most people do...

Rule 3: Do it because (!) you are scared: Take a leap towards the magic - cut through your fears

Rule 3: Do it because (!) you are scared: Take a leap towards the magic - cut through your fears

I remember once standing in front of a beautiful lake in the middle of a forest in France. It was the beginning of summer, so the weather was warm,...

Rule 2: Start by asking yourself

Rule 2: Start by asking yourself "why not?" - Be the daring one

We often move through life, as if going through an algorithm. We expect a certain result as follow-up to any given input. And we try to define our ...

Rule 1: Rise to become the person you wish to have at your side

Rule 1: Rise to become the person you wish to have at your side

Have you ever felt like you missed out on something you didn’t do because you were unsure or scared of how things might end? Perhaps it is a wi...