Category: Behind the Scenes

You never forget your first!
Indeed my very first speaking event for my first book, Play the Rules! It was a true honor to be invited as key speaker by PEGA to present my bo...

The End is the Beginning…
Get the Book! Yes! Rising up to the challenge, Play the Rules has finally come to life also as a published book. So why not turn the next page t...

One month of lockdown - Two leading "Corona" contenders. Who shall win the crown?
Taking stock over this past month… Where do we stand? After one month of “lockdown” in most western countries now, it is high time to take stock...

Lockdown - Warning: Unleashed inner drama queens running amok!
Let's drop our inner drama-queen. We will survive this (well, most likely...) We never experience something like this before. Some say the war c...

Corona-crosswords time!
Time for a break after 1 month in lockdown: Let's start the countdown Today marks almost 1 month since “lockdown” was called upon in Germany. It...