Play the Rules

Play the Rules

This is your life's biggest game. Shape your reality. Be a Game Changer

Let's Connect

Bring your Awesomeness to the next level - SIGN UP here.

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# Humorous motivational posts - Your dose of Playing Rules.
# 1-1 Coaching & More...
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Hi Beautiful!

Tired to just wait for things to happen and want to see some action already? Do you wish to take things up a notch and be the first to get all new drills? Or maybe you are just looking for a space to play around and get some sparks of inspiration to lighten up your day?

Whatever drove you, it is great to have you here!
And even if you were just lost, no worries: you are definitely in the right place to catch a smile.
You are always welcome to hang around.

This is for You.
And if you want more, so you shall!
Because this is your life's biggest game. You decide how to play it.

Oh, I almost forgot...
Obviously, I respect your privacy. Of course, you can take a break anytime. But I hope you keep on enjoying this.
You have my word: No spam. No nonsense. Just smiles.

Become a Player - Be a Game Changer

Never miss a beat again - You can keep up on what is happening at Play the Rules also in social media now. And you are most welcome to join the Club!

1-1 Coaching

Are you intrigued to discover more and take your journey to the next level?
Do you wish to challenge conventional boundaries and expand the realm of your possibilities? Or maybe you just feel mischievous and want to try something new today?

No problem. You are in the right place.
I have got you!
You can step up your game.
Be a VIP player in the Play the Rules Club.

Play the Rules' Coaching Module

Naturally, the Play the Rules' coaching follows a "playful" approach.
The aim? For you to challenge common patterns. And redesign your own instead. Starting right here: by playing with the "usual" coaching plan.

- Instead of just, basically, sitting and talking (yawn!), we will engage to a whole new level - Not only with the theory, but also in practice, through an holistic, 360 degrees all-in approach.
- This will entertain and enliven your body, mind and soul.
Let's Play the Rules already!

No idea what I am talking about?
Ok. Here is Play the Rules' coaching's plan:

1- P, as in Play your own Rules: Energise

Feel alive! Let's get your heartbeat up

Let's sweat a little. This is workout time! And the best way to energise is outside, surrounded by nature.

There is a say in Germany, that: There is no bad weather, just bad clothes!
Yet I shall be "magnanimous" and open for other engaging alternatives, shall the weather looks like the Apocalypse is coming. Or else, if you just ask nicely - Lol.

And by the way, like a Victoria's Secrets Angel also proclaimed to the world:

We are never sweating. We are just sparkling!

2- T, as in Take a Breath: Relax

May the peace be with you!

This can be your yoga, breathing or relaxation or time... To each its own! This will be tailored around you.

The point is for you to ripe the benefits of your training. Feel your heartbeat. Your breath. Get you centered.

And if you prefer to keep the flow going... Let's call it yoga time. And just in case you were thinking that yoga is "not for you" or "too quiet", this is going to be your break-trough session.

C'mon on Inner Peace.
We do not have all day!

3- R, as Reassess your Choices: Inspire

Turn to the light, and darkness will fall behind...

This is going to be when we really talk. Or basically you talk, I listen. And then pick your brain, challenge your premises...

But the truth is, you already have all the answers. My role is just to point you in the right direction.

The mission is not just to tell you.
It is to inspire you...

Now the question is:
Why just wonder, when you can know?

Let's do this. Team up with me.
I will be your dedicated, one and only (!) Rebel Coach.

Curious and want to learn more?
Try me! Just shoot me an email:

Stay tuned... There is more!

This is just the beginning…
But with each passing moment, we also shape our future! So better be ready.

Remember that book they told me it would not “fit in the box”?
That could have been the End. Instead, it was the Start.
No fitting box out there? Well, we shall make a better box then.

Rising to the challenge, now the very first Play the Rules' Book has turned from dream - to reality!

And there is more to come because the rest of the Trilogy is also underway. Wanna be the first to know when it happens? So you shall!
Stay tuned for relevant updates and cool stuff going on around here.
SIGN UP right now.

Never miss a beat again - You can keep up on what is happening in the Play the Rules Club also in social media.
Join the Party!


Do you have any questions, thoughts... or compliments?
Then go straight ahead. Especially if you have compliments. No need to restrain yourself - Lol.

And compliments (or jokes) apart, you are anytime welcome to reach out.
Maybe I have an answer. Or maybe not.
But I will always do my best to revert timely and honour your individual contribution.

Just drop me a line. We can take it from there:

Don't be shy. I am here for you.

Anything else?

You scrolled all the way down here...
This is unbeaten ground for most. And jet there you are...

Maybe you are still looking for something... Or maybe you are just lost?
Either way if I can help you, I will.
Just shoot me a message.