Data Privacy
It is very simple. Your personal data remains yours, and only yours.
No traps. No nonsense. No obscure business.
You can relax. And just enjoy. ((To add to your "relaxation-effect", just know that, being myself based in Europe and, among others, aiming to reach out also to my fellow-citizens around here, means that the General Data Protection Regulation, better known in short as "GDPR", fully applies - in all its might! Good news for you is: Whatever may be opinionated around it, it is still safely considered the "strictest" legislative framework around the protection of personal data in the world to date. So, you can rest assured: you shall be best taken care of. No worries))
This is a free blog and I wish it to stay this way.
Why? Because I believe in:
- both inclusiveness,
- and authenticity.
So, I want for its message to remain:
- both open, without barriers of financial contributions,
- and unspoilt from advertisement, or any weird flashy animation.
Simply, I want to keep it real.
For you, this means that:
- I am neither grovelling for your money,
- nor selling your data to attract profits from any corporation.
You can stay at ease.
What's in it for me?
The simple pleasure of devoting my time to something I believe being greater than me - and having the power of removing artificial boundaries. So that we can live a greater life. And be empowered. Be whole. Be free.
Whenever you opt in to subscribe to get regular updates, the very basic information you provide for this purpose will only be used so that you can get what you opted in for: regular updates from this site - nothing more, and for sure nothing less.
I am very grateful (and secretly doing a little "happy dance") for every individual subscription. I hope that you will enjoy hanging out with us.
If however you shall ever wish to opt out and take a break, I will not turn "mean and greedy" all of a sudden. The choice shall always rest with you, and you will be able to simply unsubscribe at any time.
No ties attached. No question asked. I respect your will.
Finally, if later on you wish to come back, just know that you will always be welcome again.
And there will be another "happy dance" for you!
Acknowledgement and Copyright
All images featured on this blog belong to their respective owners, unless otherwise specified.
Taking up Google's own irrefutable disclaimer: These "may be subject to copyright".
I like to refer to quotes from wiser people, always doing my best to identify their source. If you find yours here, it is my tribute to you!
I will never crop, edit or remove any copyright or watermark. My intention is ALWAYS to spread the message and NEVER to infringe anyone's copyright or privacy.
In any event, if you see your content featured here and do not want it to be, please just message me with the link, so that I can follow-up with you.
Just email me at:
From my end, references to any of your quotes or images here express my appreciation to you. And gratitude. Because we all need more positivity and the courage to stand up for what we believe in to live a fulfilling life. My ultimate purpose is to share inspiration and good vibes by trying to reach as many people as possible. And that would never be possible without meaningful contributions of people like you.
No need to be pretentious. Nobody can reinvent the wheel!
Yet we still all roll with it...
In fact, as befitting his many genial insights, Isaac Newton's intellect was only matched by his modesty, when he assertedly affirmed:
If I have seen a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants
Sir Isaac Newton
Truly, we all owe much of what we learn to the knowledge shared by other smart people, either around or before us. Even the greatest discoveries of all times would not have been possible, without using the understanding gained by those contributing their insights in the "universal knowledge pool". The building blocks of evolution itself lay on our perpetual bargain of wisdom.
Creative Commons
On my part, I wish to honour such a constructive exchange by adopting the Creative Commons's concept of "sharing is caring" - as long as the care is present on both sides.
With my work, I wish to take a stand by openly endorsing the Creative Commons, as they offer a friendlier, more flexible approach to traditional "exclusive" copyrights. In this respect, they provide for different platforms that can be adapted to different purposes, allowing a more collaborative approach.
The best approach that would best fit for the "some right reserved" purpose adopted here under the Creative Commons is the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license, except where otherwise provided - Don't worry, I will give you some plain instances just read here below.
In a nutshell, you are welcome to reference my material, if you find it resonates with your values as well and if it may help spread a positive message. But please keep it "fair play", for instance by:
- Limiting the portions of referenced material to what a sane person would consider "reasonable";
- Properly acknowledging the source of the material from this website;
- Refraining from changing or distorting the material in any way, so that the proper context is still reflected;
- Asking me in case you intend to use it in any commercial or promotional way, so that we can evaluate and best align mutual synergies together.
Does this make sense to you?
See, lawyers do not always have to be "obscure" - Lol.
You scrolled all the way down here...
Impressive! Few adventure so far.
Maybe you are still looking for something I can help you with?
No problem. Just drop me a line.
We can take it from there:
Any final thoughts to share?
Your contribution and ideas are anytime welcome.
And if you wish to TEAM UP, I would be delighted to have you join the Club.