Play the Rules

Play the Rules

This is your life's biggest game. Shape your reality. Be a Game Changer

The Magic 3

If you now look up at the sky, tell me: What do you see?

Wow... This show, just for us?

That is just the beginning of it...
We are like little sprinkles of stardust, surrounded by an infinite universe. Unseizable. Greatly still unexplored.

We stand on a planet, suspended among all those stars, and which somehow has managed to sustain our life here... And that, since millions and millions of years before we were born already.
Isn't that fascinating?

We are living proof that magic exists. It is all around us.
So why not as well embrace it?

We are just like stardust... Surrounded by Magic.

The Magic 3 are just like Enchantments - They can cast a spell over our life. And we can summon them to be inspired. And uplifted.

They can give us power, joy and freedom.
And they underscore the very essence of Play the Rules...

1) P, as in: Play Your Own Rules - Be Empowered

Ups... Too strong?

You are the only one who can. So stop doubting yourself. And go for it!

FEAR can mean:
1- Forget Everything And Run. Or...
2- Face Everything And Rise.

The choice is:
1 - Either to surrender to fear - And hide,
2 - Or to take a leap of faith - And grow.

And the "game changer" is the ability to turn that fear into excitement.

So, when facing challenges, you can:
1 - Wait to be "rescued" - And stay put, hoping for the best. Or...
2 - Rise to the situation - And be your own Champion.
Nobody can ever fill that role for you - better than you.

At the end, each challenge is an opportunity in disguise...
When you rise to it, you can never lose. You can win, and most importantly... You can learn.
And that knowledge is the key to real power.

2) T, as in: Take A Breath - Be Whole

Oh, yeah... I smell my almighty coffee already!

Rise above yourself. Extend your realm of perception.
And embrace your "oneness" with the World.

Because there is always more to it than meets the eyes...
There is a magic thread running through the canvas of our lives.
None of us can exist in isolation.

We are surrounded by magic. We are all part of a beautiful mystery. 
And we are all connected. 

3) R, as in: Reassess Your Choices - Be Free

For real now?

If the box does not “feel right” - Break free. 
Redefine your own boundaries.

Constraints are just a self-made trick of the mind. 

Whenever the two options you are given do not work for you… Pick your your (unaccounted for!) “third” one.

Often the best option is the one nobody ever suggests.

Because when "cornered", you can either:
1 - Take reality at its “face value” - and settle; or 
2 - Question everything - and redefine your own reality.
Your mind is your best ally.

It is simple...

P T R = Play the Rules!

Yes. We can!