Play the Rules

Play the Rules

This is your life's biggest game. Shape your reality. Be a Game Changer

Category: 2.21- Keep it Simple

Rule 63: Learn to master the “floppy side” of everything.

Players only - Rule 63: Learn to master the “floppy side” of everything.

The overpowering (and exceedingly annoying!) urge to be always on “top of the game” So why are we wasting so much precious time and effort obses...

Rule 62: Stop obsessing over other people’s expectations - Which we are either overestimating, or very bad at guessing at anyway!

Rule 62: Stop obsessing over other people’s expectations - Which we are either overestimating, or very bad at guessing at anyway!

Others either don’t notice, don’t care, or it does not matter When it comes to other people's expectations (real or imagined), and how they comp...

Rule 61: Anything can be as “easy” or “difficult” as you make it - And the biggest irony of it all is: In the end, it will hardly make a difference.

Players only - Rule 61: Anything can be as “easy” or “difficult” as you make it - And the biggest irony of it all is: In the end, it will hardly make a difference.

The Elasticity of Time One of my favorite persons in the world - and (by far) the best manager I was ever lucky to have, (in fact, the one and o...